
Fully Funded Master’s in French 2024

Do you have a undergraduate degree and are seeking fully funded Master’s opportunities in French? There are multiple universities accepting online applications for fully funded Masters programs in French.

If you are interested in these fully funded Master’s positions in French, please review the details and apply as soon as possible. Eligible candidates can submit their applications through the University’s Online Application Portal.

1. Fully Funded Master’s in French at University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette provides a fully funded Master’s program in French, where students immerse themselves in French and Francophone literature, culture, and language. In addition to enhancing their language skills, students will engage in promoting Louisiana’s Francophone heritage. The program offers assistantship funding to around 15 graduate students in the Master’s or Doctoral programs in French and Francophone Studies, including a tuition waiver and a monthly stipend of approximately $15,000. Additionally, exceptional students may qualify for fellowship opportunities that provide further financial support.

Application Deadline: Oct 01, 2024

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2. Fully Funded Master’s in Foreign Languages (French, German, and Spanish) at Mississippi State University

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

Mississippi State University in Starkville, MS, offers a fully funded Master’s in Foreign Languages, covering French, German, and Spanish. This program focuses on literature, culture, and language pedagogy, providing a flexible and interdisciplinary approach to graduate study. The Department of Classical & Modern Languages and Literatures supports most of its M.A. students through Teaching Assistantships, which come with a full tuition waiver and a stipend of approximately $15,000 per year to cover living expenses. Qualified students gain valuable teaching experience while receiving financial support for their studies.

Application Deadline: Apr 01, 2025

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3. Fully Funded Master’s in Spanish, French and German at University Of Nebraska

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln offers a fully funded Master’s program in Spanish, French, or German, providing a vibrant and dynamic learning environment within a large, multilingual department at a comprehensive research university. Graduate Teaching Assistantships come with full tuition remission and a departmental stipend of about $16,000 per year to cover living expenses in Lincoln. Additionally, students may qualify for departmental merit fellowships to further support their studies, including coverage for student fees. For those specializing in Spanish, opportunities for summer teaching are also available.

Application Deadline: Feb 01, 2025

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4. Fully Funded Master’s in French at University of Saskatchewan

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

The University of Saskatchewan in Canada offers a fully funded Master’s program in French, with specializations in French literature, translation, or language studies. All incoming MA students are automatically considered for financial support through fellowships or teaching assistantships provided by the Department or the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, with no separate application required. The program offers University Graduate Scholarships and Graduate Teaching Fellowships, providing up to 24 months of financial support, including a stipend of approximately $18,000 per year, to help cover living expenses during the course of study.

Application Deadline: Apr 15, 2025 

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5. Fully Funded Master’s in French at University of New Mexico

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

The University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, offers a fully funded Master’s program in French, providing comprehensive training in French literary history, theory, and criticism. Financial support is available through Teaching Assistantships, Graduate Assistantships, Carol Raymond Scholarships, and other university and external funding sources. Competitive M.A. students typically receive a full package of support, including tuition remission, health insurance, and a stipend of approximately $18,000 per year, contingent on their progress toward degree completion.

Application Deadline: Oct 01, 2024

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6. Fully Funded Master’s in French at University of Kansas

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

The University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS, offers a fully funded Master’s program in French, focusing on French and Francophone language, literature, and culture. The Department strives to provide Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTAs) to all incoming M.A. and Ph.D. students, which include a starting stipend of approximately $18,650 for the academic year (Fall and Spring), a 100% tuition waiver, and coverage for 3 hours of student fees. This financial package ensures students have the support needed to focus on their academic and professional development.

Application Deadline: Feb 01, 2025

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7. Fully Funded Master’s in French and Spanish at University of Memphis

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

The University of Memphis in Tennessee offers a fully funded Master’s program in Romance Languages, with concentrations in French or Spanish. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures provides competitive Graduate Assistantships, which include a stipend of approximately $10,000 per academic year and a full tuition waiver. These assistantships typically support graduate students for two academic years, contingent on maintaining satisfactory academic and teaching performance.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2024

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8. Fully Funded Master’s in Spanish or French at University of Texas at Arlington

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

The University of Texas at Arlington offers a fully funded Master’s program in Spanish or French, requiring 36 credit hours to complete. This program aims to deepen students’ proficiency in French or Spanish and expand their understanding of the literature and culture of French-speaking or Spanish-speaking regions. The Department of Modern Languages provides Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA I) for students with less than 18 graduate hours completed, and upon completing 18 graduate hours, students can advance to Graduate Teaching Assistant II, receiving a higher stipend. The assistantships include a tuition waiver and a stipend starting at around $12,000 per year, depending on the assistantship level.

Application Deadline: Feb 14, 2025

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9. Fully Funded Master’s in French at University of Maryland

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

The University of Maryland in College Park, MD, offers a fully funded Master’s program in French, focusing on French and Francophone literature, culture, language, and linguistics. The program also introduces students to current research topics and provides training in higher education pedagogy. All admitted M.A. students receive full financial support for the entire two-year program, including tuition remission, health benefits, and a stipend of around $20,000 per year, contingent upon satisfactory performance and progress in the program.

Application Deadline: Jan 15, 2025

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10. Fully Funded Master’s in French and Francophone Studies at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Summary of Funded Master’s Program

The University of Massachusetts Amherst provides a fully funded Master’s program in French and Francophone Studies, a two-year, 30-credit program designed to be financially accessible to all students. Financial support is available through Teaching Assistantships that cover the entire four-semester duration of both the MA and MAT programs. These assistantships offer a full tuition waiver, a living stipend of approximately $18,000 per year, and coverage for 95% of the graduate student health insurance premium, ensuring comprehensive support throughout the program without requiring a separate application.

Application Deadline: Oct 01, 2024

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