
09 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Leiden University, Netherlands

Do you have a Master’s degree and are looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? The Leiden University, Netherlands is now accepting applications for several funded PhD programs across a range of research areas.

1. Fully Funded PhD in transcription factor binding to chromatin at the single-molecule level

Summary of Funded PhD Program

In this project, we aim to design and construct custom chromatin fibers composed of dozens of nucleosomes to elucidate how these structures fold into higher-order configurations and how chromatin architecture influences transcription factor binding. Concurrently, a second PhD candidate in the Tineke Lenstra group at the Dutch Cancer Institute will investigate how transcription factor binding dynamics and cooperativity are regulated by individual nucleosomes, self-interactions, and DNA shape, and how these mechanisms govern single-cell transcription dynamics. You will collaborate closely and receive support from a multi-disciplinary team from both labs.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD in Computational Modeling of Auger Capture Rates

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The Faculty of Science Leiden and the Leiden Institute of Chemistry are looking for a PhD student to work on a project related to around plasma-surface interactions. Unlike gases, plasmas contain highly reactive species such as radicals and ions. These species are of interest for plasma-enhanced catalytic reactions and for plasma-assisted structuring of surfaces. However, the understanding of plasma-surface interactions is still in its infancy: existing PSI models used in engineering are empirically motivated and fail to capture the underlying surface interactions required for mechanistic understanding.

Application Deadline: 31 December 2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD in Clinical Psychology

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This project addresses the gap between current psychotherapy training and the reality of clinical practice. It aims to create a research-informed training model that equips therapists with the skills needed to handle the complexities of clinical work.

Application Deadline: 29 November 2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD in Ancient Central Asian (Tarim Basin) Contact Linguistics

Summary of Funded PhD Program

In “Sogdian and Bactrian wanderers”, the linguistic influence of the Middle Iranian languages Sogdian and Bactrian in the Tarim Basin is to be investigated systematically. Both languages are not native to the Tarim Basin, but were extremely influential, as evidenced by many loanwords and names. It is known that Sogdian was spread by Sogdian traders, who also settled in different places throughout the Tarim Basin. Bactrian was the language of the Kuṣānas, but it is not well understood how exactly it reached into the Tarim Basin. While Sogdian and Bactrian influence in Tocharian is recognised, no systematic investigation exists.

Application Deadline: 3 December 2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD in Central Asian (Tarim Basin) Palaeography

Summary of Funded PhD Program

In “Patterns of writing” it is to be investigated how the Indic Brāhmī and Kharoṣṭhī scripts have spread to the non-Indic languages of the Tarim Basin, how they had to be adapted, and how script varieties have influenced each other. The goal is to trace a web of contacts between the Tarim Basin languages based on the script that does not necessarily match the linguistic web of contacts exactly. The comparative analysis of the two scripts and their variants will also help decide several issues in the interpretation of the sound systems of the Tarim Basin languages.

Application Deadline: 3 December 2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD in (peri-)urban nature-climate interactions

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The PhD research will contribute to understanding the future of urban areas, embedded in the broader physical and policy landscape. You will investigate how current policy and management measures in (peri)urban areas affect biodiversity and climate resilience, and how these measures interact with a changing climate and environmental conditions. By working closely with societal stakeholders, the research will help co-create tools to support planning and monitoring of nature-climate interactions. You will combine methods based in natural science with citizen science or governance approaches to create knowledge with societal relevance and credibility.

Application Deadline: 2 December 2024

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7. 02 Fully Funded PhD in NWO OC-L project IMAGES ON THE MOVE

Summary of Funded PhD Program

In early modern Europe, students, humanists, collectors, naturalists, soldiers, merchants, civil servants, and women compiled friendship albums—alba amicorum, in Latin—containing paper traces of social networks, friendships, travel, and professional contacts. The pages of these personal volumes contain text—in the form of signatures, dedications, and mottoes—and an abundance of vivid images. Iconographically dense painted pictures, heraldic devices, costume studies and emblems in watercolour, as well as artists’ “signature” drawings figure alongside numerous printed images. IMAGES ON THE MOVE, the first scholarly and digital research project to investigate the rich pictorial culture of alba amicorum, will situate these pictorial microcosms within early modern visual culture in the era of print.

Application Deadline: 8 December 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD in Arithmetic of Periods MPI

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We are looking for strong PhD candidates with a broad range of mathematical interests. A computational inclination is a plus; coding skills, as well as a mind for effective mathematics, are valuable assets. Competency in at least one of the following core areas of mathematics is expected:

  • Complex algebraic geometry
  • Arithmetic geometry
  • Algebraic curves, Jacobians, abelian varieties
  • Algorithms and complexity

Application Deadline: 15 January 2025

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9. Fully Funded PhD in plant specialized metabolite biosynthesis

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The chemical diversity of plants, which produce hundreds of thousands of specialized metabolites (i.e. natural products), has been a rich resource for medicine and other valuable compounds. Understanding the biosynthesis of valuable metabolite on a molecular level enables us to advance their engineering and improve cultivated plant systems.This PhD projects explores new bioactive metabolites and aims to study their biosynthesis to create engineering tools for their production.

Application Deadline: 10 December 2024

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