
27 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Do you have a Master’s degree and are looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg is now accepting applications for several funded PhD programs across a range of research areas.

1. 08 Fully Funded PhD in Mathematics

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The GRACE consortium, coordinated by the Mathematics Department (DMATH) of theFaculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM), in collaboration with FSTM’s Department of Computer Science (DCS), has an opening for: 8 PhD positions, co-financed by a grant from the Luxembourg National Research Fund.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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2. Fully Funded PhD in Educational Sciences – HORIZON-EUROPE Project MTSS-K

Summary of Funded PhD Program

Effective and inclusive education systems are the foundations of successful and cohesive societies. Yet, several European education systems are regularly pointed out as being underperforming, inequitable or segregated, as is the case for Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland. Their prevalent ‘wait-to-fail’ model of education particularly affects the most vulnerable students who only receive appropriate pedagogical support when they encounter significant academic challenges, which is sometimes too late for many students. This calls for a drastic change through preventing learning difficulties and providing early intervention measures.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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3. Fully Funded PhD in Automated Testing of Autonomous Satellite Operation Orchestrators

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We offer an attractive doctoral position in the context of the ATLAS project, funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and GomSpace Luxembourg. Specifically, you will contribute to one of the space systems track of ATLAS, which concerns the automated assessment of Autonomous Satellite Operation Orchestrators (ASOOs). ASOOs automate tasks that, a few years ago, were performed manually to minimise costs and improve the quality of service. Unfortunately, physical constraints (e.g., orbits), continuous evolution (e.g., to achieve more autonomy), and the distributed nature of ASOOs make their validation and verification (V&V) costly, ineffective, and nearly infeasible. Our research will lead to a toolset capable of exercising the PUS and REST entry points of those systems, automatically setting up simulation environments, and automatically determining the correctness of execution results. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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4. Fully Funded PhD in CyberSecurity, Software Engineering and AI

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg is a leading international research and innovation centre in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services. We play an instrumental role in Europe by fueling innovation through research partnerships with industry, boosting R&D investments leading to economic growth, and attracting highly qualified talent. We look for researchers from diverse academic backgrounds to contribute to our projects in areas such as: Network Security, Information Assurance, Model-driven Security, Cloud Computing, Cryptography, Satellite Systems, Vehicular Networks, and ICT Services & Applications.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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5. Fully Funded PhD in LawMode Project

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The research fellowship is integrated into the LawMode research project, which is supervised and coordinated by the University of Luxembourg and led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Braum, Professor in European Criminal Law, Criminal Procedures, Criminology and Philosophy of Law at the University of Luxembourg. LawMode is conducted in partnership with the National University of Laos and is funded by the Luxembourgish National Research Fund (FNR) under the LuxAidBridges program which aims to fuel aid and development policies through rigorous research on topics such as the rule of law and good governance.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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6. Fully Funded PhD in Computational Modelling of Root-Mycorhizza interfaces – Part of DTU FORFUS (FNR Funded)

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The PhD student will develop and apply computational multiscale models to investigate brain energy metabolism and its relation to neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer disease. To characterize the impact of mitochondrial morphology and regulation on the energetic state of brain cells, an agent-based physiological 3D model of mitochondria based on the seminal work of Prof. Skupin will be extended and embedded into a continuous description of single-cell models for neurons and glial cells.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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7. Fully Funded PhD in 5G/6G Communications for UAV Cross-border Service Continuity

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This PhD project aims to develop a solution for 5G-UAVs in the context of service continuity in roaming scenarios between Luxembourg and Belgium. 5G-enabled UAVs will be deployed to deliver a wide range of services across both countries. The project will aim to design solutions to reduce the handover and roaming procedure time, validate the resulting approaches using simulations firsthand, and then implement them on practical testbeds.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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8. Fully Funded PhD in Cyber Policy

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Niovi Vavoula, Chair in Cyber Policy. The doctoral researcher’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of cyber policy. The thesis work will be undertaken at the University of Luxembourg but can also be jointly-supervised with another university. The suggested theme of the PhD is cyber policy, broadly encompassing topics relating to cybersecurity, cyber defence and cyber sovereignty. The candidate is, however, welcome to suggest any other topic within the overarching project theme. The doctoral candidate will contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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9. Fully Funded PhD in Intellectual Property Law

Summary of Funded PhD Program

In the framework of the upcoming Doctoral Training Unit on Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (DTU-GREITMA), the Department of Law of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) of the University of Luxembourg is looking for a PhD candidate to conduct research in intellectual property (IP) law. The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Dr Martin Stierle. The main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of IP law. The candidate is welcome to suggest a topic within the overarching theme of DTU-GREITMA.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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10. Fully Funded PhD in Biostatistics, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We seek a highly motivated biostatistician or computational biologist who is well versed in the statistical and machine learning analysis of biomedical data and bioscientific programming for projects on neurological and cancer diseases. The candidate should have experience in the analysis of large-scale biomedical data (omics, clinical or other large-scale biological data), using statistical methods, pathway/network analysis or machine learning. The candidate will conduct integrative analyses of biomedical datasets, focusing on single-cell omics and clinical data to predict clinical outcomes of interest and therapeutics. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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11. Fully Funded PhD in Vehicular Communications

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This PhD project focuses on developing a tele-operated driving system for autonomous vehicles using 5G technology. The aim is to create a low-latency, high-throughput network application that enables real-time control and video transmission for remote vehicle operation. The project will develop a prototype, rigorously tested in both lab environments and real-world conditions, to validate its reliability and safety. The research will contribute to advancements in autonomous vehicle technology, focusing on secure communication, reducing latency, and optimizing 5G’s application in connected transportation.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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12. Fully Funded PhD in Financial History

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg is an interdisciplinary research centre committed to high-quality research and public dissemination in the field of contemporary history with a particular focus on digital methods and tools. The C²DH’s ambition is to venture off the beaten track and find new ways of doing, teaching and presenting contemporary history of Luxembourg and the history of Europe in the 20th and 21st centuries. It serves as a catalyst for innovative and creative scholarship and new forms of public dissemination.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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13. Fully Funded PhD in Ultrafast Physics

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The goal of the experimental activity will be to investigate electron-electron and electron-phonon dynamics in layered and 2D materials, in metallic/semiconducting nanostructures and in strongly correlated systems. We will also exploit the electric field of single cycle pulses to drive ultrafast currents in nanocircuits with the appealing perspective of studying electronic transport in quantized systems with unprecedented temporal resolution. The research activity will be based on the development of novel ultrafast laser sources that work at high repetition rates while keeping the possibility to generate pulses approaching the single-cycle duration combined with broad tunability from UV to the THz frequency range. By pushing the experimental sensitivity to its limits, it will be possible to study fundamental processes in physical systems where dimensionality plays a key role.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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14. Fully Funded PhD

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The Digital Medicine group (dMed) is looking for a highly motivated PhD Candidate (m/f/d) to explore the value and health economics linked to the digital transformation in medicine, with a special emphasis on neurodegenerative diseases. The research will focus on value-based health care (VBHC), innovative payment models, and integration of real-world data/outcomes (RWD) to drive cost-effective digital medical devices and related technical healthcare services. Of particular interest are applications of digital medicine in chronic and complex conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases, which present unique challenges for long-term care and cost management.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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15. Fully Funded PhD in Energy Storage Rightsizing for Electric Buses

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This PhD project addresses the question of the optimal setup on an electric bus, with primary focus on the battery and charging methods. The current lack of knowledge regarding energy consumption models has led to the prevalent but inefficient strategy of oversizing batteries, resulting in unnecessary costs and environmental externalities. The project aims to develop advanced learning mechanisms, using real-world data from electric bus fleets and applying federated learning to create energy consumption models that account for variable operating conditions, such as ambient temperature and door opening patterns. Additionally, it will explore how automation—both at the local (bus) and global (fleet) levels—can contribute to energy reduction, investigating whether isolated or system-level automation offers the greatest benefits.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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16. Fully Funded PhD

Summary of Funded PhD Program

A PhD position is available in the Theoretical Chemical Physics (TCP) group, led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko. This PhD position belongs to PHYMOL: A Marie Skłodowska–Curie Actions Doctoral Network (MSCA DN) on intermolecular interactions. As such, the PhD candidate will enjoy a broad collaboration with world-class research groups. Dr. Marcus Neumann, CEO of the world leading company in crystal structure prediction, Avant-garde Materials Simulation Deutschland GmbH, will co-supervise this PhD project. The TCP group also routinely collaborates with Google DeepMind and leading pharmaceutical companies.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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17. Fully Funded PhD in co-translational protein structure prediction and probing

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The Gene Expression Dynamics junior group is looking for a highly motivated biochemist or RNA biologist with expertise in the analysis of nascent protein structures that are formed co-translationally. The candidate should have experience in state-of-the-art biochemical methods with a special focus on translation assays such as polysome and ribosome profiling, limited proteolysis, translationally competent extracts. In addition, the candidate should have a solid background in bioinformatics including analysis of large scale data (Ribo-seq, RNA-seq, mass spec) using statistical methods as well as structural machine learning algorithms such as AlphaFold. The candidate will perform and integrate kinetic ribosome profiling with structure prediction and biochemical structure probing experiments to identify proteins that are co-translationally folded.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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18. Fully Funded PhD in Statistics and Probability

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The MATHCODA Doctoral Training Unit is a doctoral program covering a coherent set of themes around the ideation and study of novel mathematical tools for dealing with high-dimensional and complex data structures, with applications ranging from life sciences to engineering and finance. The main rationale behind our project is the necessity of training a new generation of researchers, possessing a full mastery of the mathematical tools that are needed for modelling and statistically analysing data structures displaying non-standard features, such as high-dimensional components, complicated topological structures, or long-range dependence. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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19. Fully Funded PhD in Deployment and Control of a Distributed Telescope as a Formation of Nanosatellites

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This PhD project aims at the development of an improved distributed control of such formations of small satellites, also using a combination of solar and aerodynamic forces for propellant-less control. This will be ideal to deploy, maintain and reconfigure cost-efficiently a large formation of small satellites but requires the detailed modelling of the satellite dynamics, including the effects of aerodynamic forces (caused by the residual atmosphere in LEO) and the solar radiation pressure. After an analysis of optimal formation geometries for Earth observation, suitable orbital guidance and attitude control approaches will be developed and tested, using advanced simulation tools as well as formation flight experiments on a smaller scale with drones. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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