
16 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands

Do you have a Master’s degree and are looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands is now accepting applications for several funded PhD programs across a range of research areas.

1. Fully Funded PhD in Towards more resilient electricity grids using network and digital twin approaches

Summary of Funded PhD Program

In this project, a resilience assessment framework for electricity grids will first be developed, building on resilience theory and interdisciplinary methods in ecology and economics (e.g., the five Ws). Since energy systems can be modeled as networked systems, we will employ spatial and network analysis; where nodes represent components like substations and consumers, edges represent connections between them such as transmission lines, and network metrics can be used to identify critical components in the systems.

Application Deadline: 5 January 2025

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2. 03 Fully Funded PhD in The generative tensions of slavery and colonial heritage tourism

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We seek three PhD candidates who have the necessary academic training, research experience and language skills to respectively conduct one of the subprojects of: 1) Ghana-Suriname-Netherlands; (2) Angola-Brazil-Portugal and; (3) Namibia-Brazil-Germany. You will be part of team comprising three PhD candidates, a Postdoc (to be recruited later) and the principal investigator (PI). The three PhD candidates will focus specifically on tourism-related practices and performances in their triangular case locations (Ghana-Suriname-Netherlands; Angola-Brazil-Portugal and; Namibia-Brazil-Germany). 

Application Deadline: 23 December 2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD in methods of optimization for dealing with real-life uncertainty in food humanitarian operations

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The Operations Research and Logistics group at Wageningen University is seeking a motivated PhD candidate (4-year, full-time) to develop new optimization methodologies for managing uncertainties in humanitarian operations. Today’s pressing issues—such as climate change and global conflicts—have left many individuals in unstable situations, requiring urgent interventions. Whether addressing basic needs during crises or ensuring sustainable, long-term solutions, humanitarian operations face numerous uncertainties, including extreme weather, unreliable information about road access, and fluctuating availability of resources like food donations.

Application Deadline: 23 December 2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD in mechanisms underlying onion drought tolerance

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This vacancy is for a PhD position focusing on mechanisms underlying onion drought tolerance, specifically the response and effects of mid-to-late season drought on bulb formation and yield. Onion is sensitive to drought at several stages in the crop cycle. This PhD project will focus on the effect of drought at the bulb formation and filling stage. Phenotyping measurements will focus on traits that contribute to bulbing and bulb growth in long day onions, how these are affected by drought, and which traits contribute to drought tolerance. Bulb initiation is strongly dependent on day length and temperature. 

Application Deadline: 16 December 2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD in mechanisms underlying onion drought tolerance

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This vacancy is for a PhD position focusing on mechanisms underlying onion drought tolerance, specifically the response and effects of early season drought on plant growth and yield. Onion is sensitive to drought at several stages in the crop cycle. Early in crop establishment, onion seedlings are particularly sensitive to drought. Early root vigor, optimal root to shoot ratio and balance between water uptake, transpiration and photosynthetic efficiency are among the traits that are likely to contribute to drought tolerance at this stage of the onion crop.

Application Deadline: 16 December 2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD in Biophysical mechanics of immune cell functioning

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This research combines controlled, quantitative experiments with theoretical modelling to capture the essential dynamics of immune cells. This research thereby aims to advance our understanding of cytoskeletal mechanics and phagocytosis, one of the most essential processes in cell biology.

Application Deadline: 16 December 2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD in Where there is change, there is resistance: Understanding the relationship between resistance to change and social norms in meat reduction over-time

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We are seeking a PhD candidate to join our interdisciplinary research project, which explores the relationship between meat reduction and social norms. The project will examine how individuals vary in their experience of resistance and perception of social norms related to reducing meat consumption. Additionally, it will focus on how this resistance changes over time and how personalized strategies, such as microtargeted messaging, can help decrease resistance and strengthen social norms in favor of reducing meat consumption.

Application Deadline: 16 December 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD in Vector-borne virus preparedness

Summary of Funded PhD Program

Are you a passionate researcher eager to contribute to the control of vector-borne viral diseases that are crucial to animal and public health? Wageningen Bioveterinary Research is looking for a researcher to join our vector-borne virus team! The research in the vector-borne virus team of WBVR focuses on understanding and controlling vector-borne viral diseases of veterinary and public health concern, such as Rift Valley fever, bluetongue and tick-borne encephalitis virus.

Application Deadline: 10 December 2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD in Tree-based restoration in biodiversity hotspot Madagascar

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We are looking for a PhD candidate focusing on how ecological restoration outcomes such as biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and natural regeneration are determined by social and ecological restoration practices. The specific focus of the PhD research will be determined based on the expertise and interests of the successful applicant. The data collection will be embedded within a common study design, offering the opportunity to triangulate data collected by the PhD candidate with data collected by other project members on other restoration outcomes and social-ecological restoration practices.

Application Deadline: 3 December 2024

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10. Fully Funded PhD in social sustainability assessment of complex supply chains

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The sustainability of supply chains becomes increasingly important. Yet, assessing the sustainability performance of complex supply chains is challenging. In supply chains with multiple flow streams interacting with a variety of actors, the boundaries of what constitutes the supply chain as well as how sustainability aspects of the supply chain are impacted become blurry. Therefore, it is not straightforward how to define the unit of analysis for measuring the various sustainability aspects. This is especially true when considering social sustainability.

Application Deadline: 1 December 2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD in Standing strong together? The impact of collective disease management on plant pathogen epidemics

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We are seeking four highly motivated PhD students to join our team as part of the interdisciplinary Oil-Clips program (OIL-CLiPS – WUR), funded by Wageningen UR and its partners. The Oil-Clips program aims at unraveling the causes of disease outbreaks in oil palm plantations, focusing on Basal Stem Rot in Indonesia and Bud Rot in Colombia and how these are affected by changes in climate and farmer practices. These disease outbreaks are seen as an interplay between host, pathogen, human action, and environment. The recruited PhD candidates will investigate these relations by applying concepts and methods from at least two disciplines. 

Application Deadline: 1 December 2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD in Exploring management options to affect Basal Stem Rot in Oil Palm in Indonesia

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We are seeking four highly motivated PhD students to join our team as part of the interdisciplinary Oil-Clips program (OIL-CLiPS – WUR), funded by Wageningen UR and its partners. The Oil-Clips program aims at unraveling the causes of disease outbreaks in oil palm plantations, focusing on Basal Stem Rot (BSR) in Indonesia and Bud Rot in Colombia and how these are affected by changes in climate and farmer practices. These disease outbreaks are seen as an interplay between host, pathogen, human action, and environment. The recruited PhD candidates will investigate these relations by applying concepts and methods from at least two disciplines.

Application Deadline: 2 December 2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD in Effects of climate extremes and bud rot incidence on oil palm performance: Implications for economic sustainability

Summary of Funded PhD Program

Colombian oil palm production is severely threatened by bud rot (BR), which can be significantly aggravated by the increased occurrence of weather extremes associated with climate change, such as periodic El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events that cause severe droughts or excess rainfall. Climate stress can have dual effects: 1) weakening the innate disease resistance of oil palms, and 2) favouring disease spread, through irrigation water or through other pathways. These combined effects may cause a strong increase in disease incidence in the future. 

Application Deadline: 2 December 2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD in Behavioural and ecological determinants of social strategies in great tits

Summary of Funded PhD Program

As a PhD student, you will contribute to novel insight into the social mechanisms underlying discovery and acquisition of food resources, social bonds and behavioural strategies using the great tit (Parus major) as model species. You will combine direct observations with novel technology, including smart feeders, tracking and automatic song recorders in the unique long-term NIOO-KNAW nestbox population in Westerheide, the Netherlands. The project will also include the opportunity to conduct aviary studies at the unique facilities of NIOO-KNAW.

Application Deadline: 2 December 2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD in Modelling mechanical stress patterns in plant tissues

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This PhD project will focus on the mathematical modelling of stress patterns in plant tissues using a multi-scale approach, from micromechanical models of single cell walls, to multi-cell mechanical models and continuum approaches. You will develop such models, to study the evolution of mechanical stress during tissue growth and its consequences for biological processes, such as seed germination or pathogen invasion.

Application Deadline: 2 December 2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD in Political ecology of oil palm disease control: Human action, resource distribution, narratives, and institutions

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We are seeking four highly motivated PhD candidates to join our team as part of the interdisciplinary Oil-Clips program (OIL-CLiPS – WUR), funded by Wageningen UR and its partners. The Oil-Clips program aims at unravelling the causes of disease outbreaks in oil palm plantations, focusing on Basal Stem Rot in Indonesia and Bud Rot in Colombia and how these are affected by changes in climate, farmer practices, and socio-economic changes. These disease outbreaks are seen as an interplay between host, pathogen, human action, social structure, and environment. The recruited PhD candidates will investigate these relations by applying concepts and methods from at least two disciplines.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2024

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