
11 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

Do you have a Master’s degree and are looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? Aalto University, Espoo, Finland is now accepting applications for several funded PhD programs across a range of research areas.

1. Fully Funded PhD in Digital Waters (DIWA) Doctoral Pilot

Summary of Funded PhD Program

DIWA doctoral pilot positions are funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The research themes of the open positions are linked to DIWA Flagship (, ) funded by Research Council of Finland. The flagship is a leading research and innovation ecosystem, bringing research and new innovations together to support decision-making and management in the water sector – digitally. DIWA enables a transition towards the digital representation of real-world water systems (Digital Twin) to reproduce hydrological storages, their states, fluxes and processes, as well as ecosystem responses with novel options for improved scenario analyses, planning and governance.

Application Deadline: 31.12.2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD in Digital Waters (DIWA) Doctoral Pilot

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The doctoral pilot will contribute to all five Flagship research themes related to hydrosphere processes; new observational systems; integrated analysis and modelling; digital services, platforms, and business applications; and transformative water management. The relevant research areas in the pilot cover variety of contexts, including river systems, groundwater processes, agricultural systems, and pristine, rural and urban areas. Similarly important are the interactions and responses in the hydro-, atmo- and cryosphere as well as diverse linkages between water, climate, land, and ecosystems. 

Application Deadline: 31.12.2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD in Process electricification

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We are looking for a doctoral researcher (“PhD student”) to work on the interesting field of energy transition. In particular, we would like to understand how the plans for process electrification could be realized such that the transition of production processes and its environment is both feasible, economic and sustainable. In this work the concepts of chemical engineering, operations research and computer science will meet as you may also need to deploy machine learning to support data analytics and complex decision making processes.

Application Deadline: 15.11.2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD in Reinforcement Learning and Mobile Manipulation

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The Aalto Robot Learning research group operates in the intersection of artificial intelligence and robotics. We focus on developing methods for reinforcement learning, robotic manipulation, decision making under partial observability, imitation learning, and decision making in multi-agent systems. The goal of the research group is to help robots understand what they need to learn to perform their assigned tasks, and, thus, make robots capable of operating on their own and pro-actively help humans. To accomplish these goals the research group develops novel decision-making methods and uses these methods to solve unsolved robotic tasks.

Application Deadline: 10.11.2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning and Planning

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The main task of the PhD student will be to develop new machine learning methods for optimizing multi-agent behavior. The developed methods may be based on one of our focus areas including, but not limited to, reinforcement learning and planning under uncertainty. Example research topics include but are not limited to multi-agent curriculum learning, model-based multi-agent reinforcement learning, and multi-agent planning and control. The developed methods may be evaluated with real robots. The exact direction of the research is chosen depending on your experience and interests. Please relate clearly to some of the research topics in your Letter of Motivation.

Application Deadline: 10.11.2024

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6. 02 Fully Funded PhD in Super-Resolution Microscopy and Single Molecule Tracking

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated doctoral researchers who are interested in applying and/or analyzing data from super-resolution microscopy and single particle tracking to study intracellular life of bacteria. You will contribute to some of the following areas: experimental work in the laboratory, imaging using a custom TIRF microscope, data analysis, machine learning, and modelling. You will adapt existing and develop novel methods and protocols to collect and analyse scientific data from a variety of sources so that hypotheses can be tested, reviewed and refined. You will also carry out collaborative projects with colleagues within our group and from other institutions. You are proactive, self-directed researcher who manages your projects effectively and presents the results at internal and external meetings and seminars.

Application Deadline: 31.10.2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD in Remote Sensing

Summary of Funded PhD Program

Our project develops new methods for remote sensing of forest above-ground biomass. We will use satellite laser sensors to provide regional estimates of biomass and its change 2003–2027 for the entire European boreal forest zone. Satellite lasers can directly measure tree heights and forest canopy densities. Statistical and physically-based models are used to convert these measurements into accurate estimates of biomass. Special attention is paid to model transferability, which guarantees that the predictions are reliable for different types of forests. Regional estimates of biomass change and its components are calculated for the Nordic and Baltic countries, as well as European Russia. 

Application Deadline: 30.10.2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD in biomass chemistry

Summary of Funded PhD Program

We are now looking for a doctoral researcher to join the Circular Biobased Materials group at Aalto University. In this position you will have a chance to make an impact by upcycling forestry side streams (bark) into advanced packaging materials, as well as increase the overall yield of forestry products. You will use fundamental aspects of biomass chemistry, analytical methods, plant structures, and fibre science to develop methods to extract composite fibres from bark biomass. The work is done in close collaboration with an industrial partner.

Application Deadline: 28.10.2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD in Application of Machine Learning for Model Development in Hydrogen Reactive Flows

Summary of Funded PhD Program

You will develop advanced numerical models using detailed CFD data such as direct numerical simulations (DNS). Also, you will gain experience in conducting high-fidelity numerical simulations and analyzing your data using machine learning techniques. You will have the opportunity of research visits to the best research groups of the field around the world as well as meeting highly-talented researchers of the field through international seminars and conferences.

Application Deadline: 27.10.2024

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10. Fully Funded PhD in Hydrophobic Modification of Bio-Based Surfaces

Summary of Funded PhD Program

This doctoral research will be conducted in the Soft Matter and Wetting group at the Department of Applied Physics, under the supervision of Prof. Robin Ras, in collaboration with Prof. Eero Kontturi and Prof. Maria Sammalkorpi. At the Department of Applied Physics, our pioneering research in materials sciences holds great technological potential for industrial applications. We educate future generations of research and development professionals, data specialists, technology experts, inventors, and scientists for industry and society.

Application Deadline: 24.10.2024

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