Do you have a Master’s degree and are looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? University of Oulu, Finland is now accepting applications for several funded PhD programs across a range of research areas.
1. Fully Funded PhD in Membrane Process Design
Summary of Funded PhD Program
As a doctoral Researcher, you will carry out research work within and co-leading a small research team in the field of process control and design for membrane-based processes for blue energy harvesting, publish research results in the most esteemed international fora, attend doctoral courses and complete their doctoral thesis within 3–4 years. We are especially looking for individuals focused on the process design, modelling and simulation of membrane-based osmotic process.
Application Deadline: 31.Oct.2024
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2. Fully Funded PhD in Wireless Communications
Summary of Funded PhD Program
We seek motivated candidates interested in taming the inherently stringent constraints of low-power/cost IoT systems to provide more robustness and intelligence. The focus would be mostly at PHY/MAC layers, but also at higher layers and especially several domains (sensing, computing, actuation), as we argue that such ultra-constrained devices must be optimized tightly (cross-layered and cross-domain).
Application Deadline: 15.Oct.2024
3. Fully Funded PhD in FRONT research programme
Summary of Funded PhD Program
In this role as a doctoral researcher, you will join a transdisciplinary research group focused on exploring the resilience of Sámi culture within the context of polycrisis—a concept that captures the interconnected and mutually reinforcing nature of global and local crises, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and geopolitical conflicts. These overlapping challenges intensify one another, leading to complex and unpredictable outcomes, as well as new path dependencies that increase uncertainty and drive material changes.
Application Deadline: 21.Oct.2024
Explore Fully Funded Master’s Programs
4. Fully Funded PhD in Molecular Magnetism
Summary of Funded PhD Program
As a doctoral researcher you will be part of a multidisciplinary research group and work on studying and designing new types of single-molecule magnets with multiple exchange-coupled magnetic centers and delocalized electronic structures utilizing computational and theoretical methods. In addition, the project will involve the development of computational methodology utilizing high-level quantum chemical methods as well as the development of theoretical models. The specific focus of the project will depend on the specific research interests of the doctoral researcher.
Application Deadline: 27.Oct.2024
5. Fully Funded PhD in Breast Cancer Genetics
Summary of Funded PhD Program
A Doctoral Researcher position is available in the Breast Cancer Genetics team lead by Professor Katri Pylkäs. The team aims to elucidate genetic risk factors for breast cancer, and to resolve the molecular mechanisms leading to breast cancer predisposition and subsequent malignant conversion. In this Doctoral Researcher project the focus is on deciphering genetic landscape of breast tumors through optical genome mapping and exome sequencing. The research will be conducted at the Translational Medicine Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, and Biocenter Oulu.
Application Deadline: 15.Oct.2024
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6. Fully Funded PhD in experimental and/or computational magnetic resonance
Summary of Funded PhD Program
The NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Research Unit at the Faculty of Science is an internationally established, combined experimental and theoretical team of about 30 people, of which 50% with a PhD degree. We develop experimental, theoretical, and computational research methods based on magnetic resonance phenomena and apply those methods to topical problems in molecular and materials sciences. Our strength is in the tight connection between state-of-the-art measurements and calculations.
Application Deadline: 19.Oct.2024
7. Fully Funded PhD in Colorectal Cancer Precision Medicine
Summary of Funded PhD Program
Colorectal cancer, the third most common cancer, is a highly heterogeneous disease at both molecular and morphological levels. Its progression is shaped by complex interactions between tumor cells and the surrounding stromal and immune cells. Our research group focuses on three key areas: (1) identifying the factors that drive colorectal cancer heterogeneity, (2) uncovering the role of tumor-host interactions in disease progression, and (3) developing novel biomarkers to advance precision medicine.
Application Deadline: 23.Oct.2024
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8. Fully Funded PhD in Microscopic Modelling of Nuclear Spin Hyperpolarisation
Summary of Funded PhD Program
The doctoral researcher position is a part of the Research Council of Finland research project “Spin hyperpolarisation processes by multiscale simulations” led by professor Juha Vaara. By nuclear spin hyperpolarisation one means techniques by which the signal intensity of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is enhanced by orders of magnitude. This results from molecular-level exchange, collision and dissipation processes that lead a non-thermal equilibrium occupation of the nuclear spin states, which is then employed in materials characterisation and medical diagnostics by NMR.
Application Deadline: 31.Oct.2024
9. Fully Funded PhD in Lung Cancer
Summary of Funded PhD Program
A Doctoral Researcher position is available in the Lung Cancer team lead by Professor Jussi Koivunen. The team aims to elucidate lung cancer predisposition, prevention, early detection, and treatment. This Doctoral Researcher project the focus is on 1) genetic landscape of lung cancer (FINNGEN), and 2) lung cancer prevention and early detection using prospectively collected blood (LDCT-SC-FI) and tumor samples (iCAN). The research will be conducted at the Oulu University Hospital and Translational Medicine Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu. We have excellent molecular biology laboratories and instrumentation concerning the project’s needs.
Application Deadline: 23.Oct.2024