Do you have a Master’s degree and are looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? University of Oslo, Norway is now accepting applications for several funded PhD programs across a range of research areas.
1. Fully Funded PhD in human geography
Summary of Funded PhD Program
UNRULY is dedicated to understanding uncertainty related to hydropower projects in the face of climate change. The project explores how entangled social, political and environmental processes shape change. We are especially interested in the non-linear processes of change which are not factored into existing models such that efforts to manage the future create more uncertainty. At present, existing research methods have not kept pace with social science theoretical developments which reject an ontological separation of social from environmental and material processes. UNRULY is an ambitious, anti-colonial project that seeks to creatively challenge existing research conventions and reimagine novel approaches to our shared planetary crisis.
Application Deadline: 15th October 2024
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2. Fully Funded PhD in SEGOP
Summary of Funded PhD Program
The Department of Special Needs Education at the University of Oslo, Norway, invites applicants for a three to four-year full-time position as PhD Research Fellow. The PhD fellow will be working on the project “Segregation of Opportunities: Pathways to Marginalization through Neighborhoods and Peers” (SEGOP), funded by the European Research Council (ERC). The SEGOP project investigates how social and economic exclusion unfolds through interactions between family background, individual characteristics, and neighborhood and peer characteristics. The SEGOP project is an interdisciplinary project that integrates perspectives and methods from sociology, psychology, behavioral genetics, economics, and education.
Application Deadline: 14th October 2024
3. Fully Funded PhD in Space Technology
Summary of Funded PhD Program
We invite applications for a PhD position in Space Technology to help develop the first satellite mission planned at the University of Oslo. The mission will study the interactions between various space weather events with the Earth’s atmosphere. The cubesat mission will be equipped with tree instruments; a multi-needle Langmuir Probe, a Solar Particle Detector, and an optical camera.
Application Deadline: 2nd October 2024
Explore Fully Funded Master’s Programs
4. Fully Funded PhD in Modelling of Fracture and Damage in Geomaterials
Summary of Funded PhD Program
We invite applications for a PhD position in theoretical and computational modelling of fracture and damage of geomaterials. The overarching goal of this PhD project is to gain knowledge and understanding on the mechanics that governs the migration of magmatic intrusions towards the surface in volcanic plumbing systems. Two end-member models currently exist to describe the propagation of magmatic intrusions in the Earth’s crust. The hydraulic fracture model that describes the flow of magma into a brittle fracture that grows through a linear elastic host rock. The viscous indenter model that describes the ascent of magma by ductile deformation of the host rock.
Application Deadline: 15th October 2024
5. Fully Funded PhD in integrated basin analysis
Summary of Funded PhD Program
The Department of Geosciences invite applications for a 3-year PhD position in basin analysis linking tectonic and sedimentary processes in offshore mid-Norway. The candidate will be a part of the newly established project; Integrated source-to-sink study of Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic along the Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin: Implications for spatio-temporal evolution and paleogeographic reconstruction during continental rift initiation. The project will analyse 2D and 3D seismic data using a suite of tools such as Petrel, PaleoScan, Geoteric, and Move, and integrate seismic stratigraphy and seismic geomorphology with exploration wells, cuttings, and cores, in order to achieve new insights into source-to-sink processes during continental rift initiation.
Application Deadline: 1st October 2024
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6. Fully Funded PhD in fluid mechanics/soft matter physics
Summary of Funded PhD Program
The position is part of a large tecno-convergence project funded by the Research Council of Norway that focuses on the development of sustainable soft adhesion robots. More specifically, the project has an ambitious aim to demonstrate the feasibility and longevity of the production of vibration-based soft robots. At the core of the project lies an understanding of the mechanics of the dynamic adhesion cup, requiring the development of a fundamental understanding of the coupling between the fluid flow and the elastic deformations of the soft robot. The PhD fellowship will be involved in the development of new theories and computational predictions of the fluid-structure interaction and/or the experimental development of the robot.
Application Deadline: 2nd October 2024
7. Fully Funded PhD in HEDWORK
Summary of Funded PhD Program
The PhD project should overall contribute to a better understanding of processes of collaborative learning in higher education and / or workplace learning context. The focus can be on, for example, students’ or professionals’ collaborative problem solving / project work in a disciplinary domain, collaborative processes in teams engaged in joint activities, or characteristics of (technology-enhanced) learning designs aimed to support collaborative learning and practice. The candidate is expected to conduct empirical studies and analyses of rich datasets, and in particular, interaction data, with a focus on examination of collaborative learning processes and practices. The PhD position can be connected to ongoing HEDWORK projects with a focus on collaborative learning and practice (especially, TeamLearn or CORPUS), and make use of projects’ datasets.
Application Deadline: 9th October 2024
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8. Fully Funded PhD in neuroscience
Summary of Funded PhD Program
Applications are invited for a 3-year position in a Research Fellowship as PhD Candidate in neuroscience in GliaLab at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Department of Molecular Medicine, Section of Anatomy, University of Oslo. The applicant will work in a multidisciplinary team, and main work responsibilities will be to perform data analyses of two-photon microscopy and electrophysiology data of awake and naturally sleeping mice. The candidate will use and develop our in-house developed software.
Application Deadline: 7th October 2024
9. Fully Funded PhD in How do we understand machines that talk to us?
Summary of Funded PhD Program
A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in Philosophy is available at the Department of Philosophy, Classics, history of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo. The position is associated with the project “How do we understand machines that talk to us? Communication with large language models (LLMs)”, funded by the University of Oslo. The research fellow will be responsible for conducting theoretical and/or experimental research on the pragmatics of human-LLM interaction. The candidate is expected to present a research project closely connected to the main project.
Application Deadline: 1st November 2024
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