Do you have a Master’s degree and are looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark is now accepting applications for several funded PhD programs across a range of research areas.
1. Fully Funded PhD in Arctic mercury cycling and climate change-related pathways
Summary of Funded PhD Program
Mercury (Hg) is among the most toxic heavy metals and its occurrence in the Arctic environment has increased markedly since pre-industrial times. The Hg originates from both natural and anthropogenic sources and is transported to the Arctic via the atmosphere, rivers, and ocean currents. Since the dawn of industrialization, an ever-increasing fraction of Hg has been released from human activities, mainly burning of fossil fuels, production of concrete, and small-scale gold mining. This has resulted in significant increases of Hg in Arctic biota with concentrations being up to 20-30 times higher compared to ancient pre-historic concentrations.
Application Deadline: 30 September 2024
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2. Fully Funded PhD in Data-driven plant phenotyping for discovering novel perennial traits
Summary of Funded PhD Program
In the pursuit of urgent sustainable intensification, modern agriculture faces the challenge of transitioning to climate-friendly, diversified, and resource-efficient systems for food, feed, and energy production. Perennial grain crops are emerging as a promising solution. They require fewer inputs and possess deep root systems, making them more resilient against adverse climate conditions as well as sustainable with greater soil carbon sequestration potential. Despite the rigorous efforts, however, the adoption of these wild plants has been incremental due to the difficulties in developing owing to complex gene and laborious genomic selection processes.
Application Deadline: 29 September 2024
3. Fully Funded PhD in Structural insights into DNA repair in the context of chromatin
Summary of Funded PhD Program
Different types of DNA damage are detected and repaired by specialized pathways in the DNA damage response (DDR). One particularly hazardous lesion is the DNA double strand break (DSB). If the other copy of the chromosome is available, it can be used as a template to repair the break through a process called homologous recombination (HR). In addition to DSBs caused by external factors, cells can also generate DSBs to resolve other types of DNA damage, such as lesions that block DNA replication. Thus, various DDR pathways converge on a common response, utilizing HR to repair DSBs.
Application Deadline: 1 November 2024
Explore Fully Funded Master’s Programs
4. Fully Funded PhD in Single cell mechanobiology and soft matter metrology
Summary of Funded PhD Program
In this PhD project, we will apply optical microscopy, AFM, nanopipettes and the related fluidic force microscope (FluidFM) for single cell mechanobiology. Potential research directions include: Development of combined AFM and nanopipette methods for quantifying the mechanics of soft matter, proteins and mammalian cells; establishing standardised metrics for single-molecule and single-cell force spectroscopy; controlling cell shape on ECM patterns and studying the effect on cell mechanics; modelling ion diffusion in the porous structure of hydrogels and biological matter using finite element simulations.
Application Deadline: 1 November 2024
5. Fully Funded PhD in New condensed matter physics experiments enabled by machine learning
Summary of Funded PhD Program
Machine learning techniques are starting to revolutionize the way we do science. They are especially helpful for making sense of huge and complex data sets generated by new types of experiments. So far, most applications of machine learning have been focused on analyzing existing experimental data and the question thus arises if machine learning could also enable new ways of collecting experimental data in the first place.
Application Deadline: 1 November 2024
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6. Fully Funded PhD in Energy Lives! Infrastructural Citizenship in Nordic Energy Transitions Subproject: Citizens for District Heating in Denmark
Summary of Funded PhD Program
The project Energy Lives! scrutinizes the conjoined lives of energy and people in the Nordic countries. It seeks to understand how publics and communities emerge around ways of living with and through energy transitions and how such publics shape and constrain energy transitions over long time periods. The project applies the concept of infrastructural citizenship to uncover mechanisms of agency, appropriation, and resistance in energy transitions, distributed among people, politics, and infrastructures.
Application Deadline: 1 November 2024
7. Fully Funded PhD in Drowned Paleolandscapes – a geological record for assessing landscape and environment response to postglacial sea level rise and climate change
Summary of Funded PhD Program
The successful candidate will become part of the RisingSea research group working to assess and quantify the preservation degree of drowned paleolandscapes and the response of low-topography landscapes and environments to rising sea level. More broadly, the project aims to utilize the geological archives of the eastern North Sea Basin to develop our basic understanding and reference framework for how low-topography landscapes and environments respond to rising sea level and climate change over longer time scales.
Application Deadline: 1 November 2024
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8. Fully Funded PhD in Financial aid and social mobility
Summary of Funded PhD Program
The financial aid system has two objectives: (i) removing financial barriers for education for able students and (ii) limiting the need for student employment to a level, which does not prohibit academic progress. In this research project, we examine the importance of different elements of the financial aid system in achieving these objectives. The PhD project includes two pre-defined subprojects as well as an independent subproject. The first subproject addresses whether student outcomes are affected by the amount of student grants received. We aim to characterize the effects of higher student grants on academic performance, well-being as well as spillover effects on other individuals.
Application Deadline: 21 October 2024
9. Fully Funded PhD in Virtual Characters and Inclusion in the Market
Summary of Funded PhD Program
Would you like to develop socially relevant research with an impact on diversity and inclusion in society? Are you interested in digging deeper into social media and the virtual world from an inclusive marketing perspective? Do you want to investigate the effect of virtual characters on inclusion considering minority as well as majority consumers? Do you enjoy working independently with large degrees of freedom, but still be part of a supportive and knowledgeable research team?
Application Deadline: 15 October 2024