
04 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland

Do you have a Master’s degree and are looking for fully funded PhD opportunities? University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland is now accepting applications for several funded PhD programs across a range of research areas.

1. Fully Funded PhD

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The lab has recently granted funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation. The 4 years project will deal with the identification of biological mechanisms driving the formation and progression of metastases in presence of aging blood vessels with the final goal of identifying translational opportunities to block this process. The project involves the biofabrication of 3D microvascular networks (main focus on the blood brain barrier), their integration with high-throughput culture systems and the analysis of blood vessel-cancer cell interaction through multiple next-gen sequencing techniques and high-content screening. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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2. Fully Funded PhD

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation in collaboration with the Molecular Oncology Lab at the Institute for Oncological Research. Planned research activities include investigation of the crosstalk between prostate cancer cells and a 3D model of aged bone tissue through imaging, molecular and functional analyses; genomic analyses on cultured cells to elucidate activated pathways and screening of the effects of senolytic drugs on metastatic progression.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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3. Fully Funded PhD

Summary of Funded PhD Program

In advancing to the PhD degree, students pass through two major stages, (i) course work and (ii) the completion of a dissertation. Our PhD students focus on their doctoral research and the completion of PhD courses. To support this goal, the working environment we provide is very attractive, including compensation, infrastructure, and opportunities for research and teaching assistant positions. 

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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4. Fully Funded PhD

Summary of Funded PhD Program

The project “Relational integration in place: affect and power in everyday practices” advances understanding of migrant integration as an affective process of negotiating difference and power in social relations and everyday practices in neighbourhoods. The project is interdisciplinary in nature as informed by scholarship in communication, discourse studies, cultural geography and cultural studies. It employs qualitative ethnographic and affective methods. Fieldwork will be conducted in Ticino, Switzerland.

Application Deadline: Open until filled 

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